نقل موقع "دبيكا" الاسرائيلي ان " الرئيس السوري لم يرتدع
من الادانات الدولية و وسع نطاق اعتداءاته
على مجمل شمال سوريا وهي المنطقة 20000 كيلومتر مربع تقريبا من حجم إسرائيل، و يشن
الآن الحرب على 3,5 مليون نسمة في حماة ودير الزور وحمص وادلب والرقة وابوكمال على
الحدود العراقية، بعد نهار احد دامي خلف بين 120 و 150 قتيل في حماة و30 في دير الزور
واكثر من 1000 جريح.
القوات المدرعة السورية تطلق النار عشوائياً، وتواجهها المعارضة بمقاومة مسلحة بمضادات الدبابات والرشاشات الثقيلة.
ولفت الموقع الى ان "القوات المدرعة السورية بإطلاق النار عشوائيا
تشغل الآن في المقاومة الثقيلة : في انتظار منهم مضادة للدبابات ومصائد الحواجز الحصينة
التي يحرسها المحتجين المسلحين بالرشاشات الثقيلة".
ووفق تقديرات مصادر دبيكا العسكرية،
يحتاج الجيش السوري الى ما لا يقل عن 10 ايام لاخضاع مدينة حماة. لكن اليوم بدأت تظهر بوادر تفكك الجيش، واعطيت االاوامر لكتيبة
مدرعات بترك قاعدتها في جنوب غرب سوريا والتوجه الى دمشق.
وقد فر معظم الضباط والجنود آخذين معهم العتاد والاسلحة. للمرة الاولى
منذ بداية الاحتجاجات تتخلى كتيبة بأكملها عن تنفيذ مهمتها.
وافادت مصادر دبيكا العسكرية في تقرير عاجل ان البيت الابيض طلب ليلة
الاحد من رئيس الوزراء التركي ارسال الوحدات التركية الى شمال سوريا لاقامة منطقة محمية
للاجئين والفارين من الجيش السوري، و كانت الحكومة التركية قد اعدت الخطة لهذا التوغل
منذ اسابيع وتنتظر تنفيذها عندما يطلق الرئيس السوري هجوم شامل ضد المعارضة.
لكن هذه الخطة مهددة بسبب الازمة الخطيرة بين رئيس الوزراء وقيادة الجيش
التركية التي بلغت ذروتها باستقالة رئيس هيئة الاركان يوم الخميس الماضي في 28 تموز.
هذا التطور على الساحة التركية ساعد الرئيس السوري فقرر سحق المعارضة
في شمال سوريا.
لجوء الحكومة الى استخدام العنف والوحشية ضد الشعب أثار الذعر عند الرئيس
الاميركي اوباما لكنه ما زال يتجنب دعوة الاسد الى التنحي.
كما وصف مسؤول في السفارة الاميركية في دمشق الهجوم على حماة بال "حرب الكاملة" واعتبر
انه "عمل يائس".
وافادت مصادر دبيكا الاستخباراتية أن الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد كان يأمل
ان يستفيد من 30 يوم من الهدوء خلال شهر رمضان، فطلب من عدة مراجع دينية اصدار فتاوي
تسمح للمؤمنين بالصلاة في منازلهم استثنائياً نظراً لحماوة الطقس لتجنب المسيرات الليلية
بعد صلاة التراويح. رفض 29 رجل دين التعاون مع السلطة، فيما وافق على هذا التكتيك الشيخ البوطي، رئيس قسم اللاهوت في كلية الشريعة
في جامعة دمشق واصدر الفتوى، مما اثار الغضب وتم احراق كتبه في المدن السورية الواحدة
تلو الاخرى.
عندما ادرك الاسد انه لن يستطع استخدام شهر رمضان كهدنه لحركة التمرد
ضد نظامه، لجأ الى استعمال العنف.
المصدر : دبيكا - النشرة اللبنانية
Assad's tanks blast all of
northern Syria day after 150 die in two cities
Aug. 1, undeterred by
international condemnation, President Bashar Assad broadened his bloody tank
assault to all of northern Syria – a 20,000 square kilometer area almost the
size of Israel. He is now waging war on the 3.5 million inhabitants of Hama, Deir
al-Zour, Homs, Idlib and Ar-Raqqah, followed by Abu Kemal on the Iraqi border,
after inflicting a one-day death toll Sunday of 150 – 120 in Hama, 30 in Deir
el-Zur - and leaving more than 1,000 injured.
Syrian armored forces
shooting at random are now running into heavy resistance: Awaiting them are
anti-tank traps and fortified barriers manned by protesters armed with heavy
machine guns.
In Hama Sunday, the 4th and
11th Syrian army divisions kept to the southern and western districts and were
still fighting their way to the barricaded center early Monday. debkafile's
military sources estimate it will take the Syrian army at least ten more days
to conquer this key town of a million inhabitants – provided the army holds up.
However, signs of extensive
disintegration emerged Sunday night and early Monday: A Syrian armored division
ordered to set out for Damascus from its base in Qatana southwest of the
capital broke up when most of its officers and men deserted, taking with them
their armored vehicles and weapons.
This was the first time in
the five-month conflict that an entire armored column has fallen back from an
operational mission.
Our military sources report
urgent White House requests Sunday night to Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip
Erdogan to send into northern Syria the Turkish units held ready on the border
for two months to establish a protected zone for refugees and the growing
number of Syrian army deserters seeking asylum. Operational plans for this
incursion had been in place for some weeks, ready for execution as soon Assad
launched a general offensive against the opposition.
The plan is now up in the
air, placed in doubt by the grave crisis between the prime minister and the
Turkish command, which peaked last Thursday (July 28) when the entire Turkish
high command, including the chief of staff resigned in a body.
This development certainly
helped Assad decide now on his crushing offensive in northern Syria.
Monday night, his crackdown
is the subject of an urgent UN Security Council session called by Germany.
debkafile reported Sunday:
No Arab ruler before him has
gone to the bloody lengths Syrian President Bashar Assad went Sunday, July 31,
on the eve of Ramadan on Aug. 1, to snuff out the five month-long protest
against his regime. Before dawn, troops and tanks, indiscriminately blasting
city streets with cannon, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns,
stormed the two most active centers of resistance. By evening, the 4th division
had killed 130 people and left 1,000 injured in Hama in the north, while the
7th division had left 20 dead and more than 100 injured in Deir al-Zour.
Hundreds were arrested.
US President Barack Obama
said he is appalled by the Syrian government's use of violence and brutality
against its own people. While Obama still avoided calling on Assad to step down, an official at the US embassy in Damascus
said the Syrian military's deadly attack on the flashpoint protest city of Hama
on Sunday amounted to "full-on warfare" and was a "last act of
utter desperation".
JJ Harder, the press attache
at the embassy, told the BBC World Service that "there is one big armed
gang in Syria, and it's named the Syrian government." He said: "I
think we can safely say it's full-on warfare by the Syrian government on its
own people."
Syrian troops encountered
armed resistance in both towns, where in the last month both had formed local
committees and erected makeshift anti-tank barriers. Since many army deserters,
including officers, have joined the protesters in facing the troops, and there
is no shortage of arms, the battles are not expected to die down before the end
of the week.
debkafile's intelligence
sources report that Assad chose to turn his army loose on the two cities with
no holds barred to pre-empt what he regards as his Ramadan test: He had hoped
to avert the nightly processions from the mosques after the Taraweeh prayer
marking the end of each day's fasting and win a 30-day lull in the bloody
clashes. The regime had pinned its hopes on calming the charged anti-regime
climate in the country on a huge public event in Aleppo Thursday July 29,
complete with Syria's top performing artists, as a show of self-assurance.
This did not work - any more
than an appeal from the authorities to the 30 most senior clerics for help to
keep the crowds off the streets. They were asked to issue a collective fatwa
(religious edict) excusing the faithful from attending the mosques for Taraweeh
and permitting them to recite the prayer at home - in consideration of the
exceptionally hot summer weather.
Twenty-nine clerics declined
to cooperate with this transparent tactic for suppressing the protest. The
thirtieth, Sheikh Al Bouti, Syria's foremost scholar, world Muslim eminence and
head of the Theology Department in the faculty of Islamic Law at Damascus
University, agreed to issue the dispensation.
Its circulation was widely
accompanied by the burning of his books on Islamic law in one town after
When Assad realized there was
no way he could use Ramadan for a respite from the revolt against his regime,
he turned to a horrendous outburst of violence