الإربعاء 18 كانون الأوّل / ديسمبر 2024, 22:18
العفو الدولية تطالب السلطات السورية بالكشف عن مصير المعارض مشعل التمو
الإربعاء 20 آب / أغسطس 2008, 22:18 كورداونلاين
طالبت منظمة العفو الدولية يوم الثلاثاء السلطات السورية بالكشف عن مصير الناشط السياسي الكردي مشعل التمو الذي اختفى فجر الجمعة 15/8/2008 عندما كان متوجها من مدينة عين العرب (كوباني ) الى مدينة حلب وقالت المنظمة في بيان تلقى المرصد السوري نسخة منه "يعتقد ان الامن السوري اعتقل الناطق الرسمي باسم تيار المستقبل الكردي مشعل التمو ويخشى من تعرضه للتعذيب
واضافت المنظمة في بيانها "وفقا لمنظمات حقوق الانسان في سورية وبعض الاحزاب الكردية ان السيد مشعل التمو اعتقل من قبل مسؤولين أمنين سوريين في مكان ما على الطريق بين عين العرب وحلب"
و قالت المنظمة ان السيد مشعل التمو كان يزور مدينة عين العرب في 14/8/2008 كجزء من الانشطه العاديه لتيار المستقبل الكردي في سوريا. وغادر المدينة في 15 آب / اغسطس الساعة 2.30 فجرا ، وبعد نصف ساعة انقطع الاتصال به وحاولت اسرته الاتصال بكافة الاجهزة الامنية السورية التي رفضت اعطاء معلومات عنه. وذكرت المنظمة في بيانها بحادث اختطاف الشيخ الكردي السوري محمد معشوق الخزنوي الذي اختطف في 10 ايار / مايو 2005. وأعيد جسده الذي ظهرت عليه اثار التعذيب الى اسرته في مدينة القامشلي بعد 20 يوما من اختطافه .كما ان السلطات السورية لم تجري اي تحقيق جدي في حادثة الاختطاف والقتل . "ووفقا للمعلومات التي حصلت عليها منظمة العفو الدولية فان كبار موظفي الدولة متورطون في جريمة مقتل الشيخ محمد معشوق الخزنوي ". واشارت المنظمة الى ان السيد مشعل التمو فضلا عن كونه الناطق الرسمي باسم تيار المستقبل الكردي في سوريا هو ايضا عضو لجان احياء المجتمع المدني في سورية ,واضافت ان عضو اخر في تيار المستقبل الكردي هو خليل حسين كان قد حكم عليه غيابياً بالسجن لمدة 10 اعوام بسبب توقيعه على اعلان بيروت دمشق .و ختمت العفو الدولية بيانها بالقول "ان الكرد في سورية يعانون من تمييز شديد بسبب انتمائهم العرقي ؛ وكثير منهم محرومون من الجنسيه السورية " SYRIA Mesha’l al-Tammo (m), aged 51, Kurdish political activist
Political activist Mesha'l al-Tammo, who is a member of Syria’s Kurdish minority, has not been seen since the early hours of 15 August 2008, when he set off from the northern city of 'Ein al-'Arab (known in Kurdish as Qobani) where he had undertaking activities on behalf of an unauthorised political party, the Kurdish Future Current in Syria (Sepela Kurdi –Syria). He is believed to have been detained by Syrian security police and to be at risk of torture. According to Syrian human rights organisations and Syrian Kurdish political parties, he is being detained because of his activities as spokesperson of the Kurdish Future Current in Syria. They say that Mesha’l al-Tammo was detained by Syrian security officials somewhere on the road between ‘Ein al-‘Arab and his home in the city of Aleppo, at one of the checkpoints the authorities set up in response to celebrations held in 'Ein al-'Arab to mark the anniversary of the Turkish branch of the unauthorized Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) taking up arms against the government of Turkey in 1984. Mesha’l al-Tammo visited ‘Ein al-‘Arab on 14 August as part of his regular activities in that area for Kurdish Future Current in Syria. He left the city at 2.30am on 15 August, and half an hour later a party contact called him but could not get through. His family got in touch with the various security services, who refused to give them any information. Anyone who dares to publicly criticise the Syrian authorities risks arbitrary detention, torture and ill-treatment. Another leading member of the Kurdish minority, the Islamic religious leader Sheikh Muhammad Ma’shuq al-Khiznawi, was abducted on 10 May 2005. His body, showing signs of torture, was returned to his family in al-Qamishli 20 days later. No investigation into his abduction and murder is known to have been carried out by the Syrian authorities. According to information obtained by Amnesty International, senior state officials were implicated in the crime. As well as being the spokesperson of the Kurdish Future Current in Syria, Mesha’l al-Tammo is a member of the Committees for the Revival of the Civil Society, an unauthorised pro-reform network of Syrians who meet to discuss human rights and political matters. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Kurds in Syria suffer severe discrimination because of their ethnicity; many of them are denied Syrian nationality and therefore do not receive the full provision of education, employment, health care and other rights enjoyed by Syrian nationals. Kurdish human rights defenders and civil society activists, and those deemed to be associated with Kurdish political parties or groups who may raise concerns about the treatment of Kurds in Syria, are particularly at risk of arbitrary arrest and in many cases torture and other ill-treatment. Khalil Hussein, another member of Kurdish Future Current, has been sentenced in absentia to 10 years in jail for his involvement in the Beirut-Damascus Declaration, a petition signed by some 300 Syrian and Lebanese nationals calling for the normalization of relations between their two countries. Torture is widespread in Syrian detention and investigation centres, particularly during pre-trial, incommunicado detention. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in English, Arabic, French or your own language:- urging the authorities to reveal the whereabouts of Mesha’l Temo and expressing great concern that he is detained incommunicado at an unknown location;- calling on the authorities to release Mesha’l Temo immediately unless he is to be charged with a recognizably criminal offence;- calling on the authorities to guarantee that he will not be tortured or otherwise ill-treated, and reminding them that Syria is a state party to the UN Convention Against Torture;- urging the authorities to immediately allow him visits from his family, a lawyer of his choosing and any medical treatment he may require. APPEALS TO:PresidentHis Excellency Bashar al-Assad Presidential Palace al-Rashid StreetDamascus, Syrian Arab RepublicFax: + 963 11 332 3410Salutation: Your Excellency Minister of DefenceHis Excellency General Hassan Ali Turkmani Ministry of DefenceOmayyad SquareDamascus, Syrian Arab Republic Fax: +963 11 223 7842Salutation: Your Excellency Minister of Justice His Excellency Muhammad al-GhafariMinistry of Justice Al-Nasr Street, Damascus, Syrian Arab RepublicFax: +963 11 666 2460 Salutation: Your Excellency Minister of Foreign AffairsHis Excellency Walid Mu’allimMinistry of Foreign Affairsal-Rashid StreetDamascus, Syrian Arab RepublicFax: + 963 11 3327620 |
| المصدر:المرصد السوري |
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